Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cigarettes and Chocolate Milk

Actually, it's more like coffee and wine.

I really don't know where this last week has gone.  At all.  Buuuuuuuut there are new students coming today woooooo!

Classes are good.  Starting Monday I will have one class a day except for Thursdays, my busy day, where I have two classes.  I know, the stress of it all is too much.

This past weekend, Paige had some friends up from Brussels.  I was sick so I didn't go out much with them.  But on Sunday we wasted a few hours at a cafe in the library.  There are many places to waste hours in Amsterdam.  Unfortunately, I am very good at wasting hours.

Lessons are going well.  I can now circular breathe on a regular basis ( I feel like superwoman).  I'm playing in a flute octet as well which should be fun.  Open day was on Sunday.  It's like preview day but 100 times larger.  

It's hard to believe we're going on our fourth week here.  These past two weeks have been a struggle for a lot of people I think.  The first two were fun and vacation-like.  Now we're trying to get our lives in order and get in a rhythm, which is apparently very hard to do when your mind thinks you are still on vacation.

I went an entire 3 weeks without coffee and then for whatever reason decided it would be a good idea to pick it back up.  Gahhhh addictions.  Coincidentally they serve coffee at the time wasting cafe in the library.  Go figure.  Two of my favorite things.

I think it might be time now to figure out my solfege homework!

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